It warmed up enough today in the city for me to not have to wear sixteen billion layers of clothing, meaning I had nice excuse to wear my vintage floral bubble dress, which was shoddily hemmed into a bubble dress by yours truly. Although this piece is more of a summer trend item than a winter fashion, I love it and will try my darnedest to provide it with the versatility that, as a bright floral minidress, it seemingly lacks.

Today's attempt at such styling versatility brought me to pair my Pedro Garcia leather boots with the American Apparel esque but-really-Urban Outfitters latex leggings that I've recently grown so fond of. Regardless of how saturated the fashion blogs may be with shiny leggings, I've noticed that no one in this city really seems to know that they exist yet (and they therefore gawk at me when I stomp around in them), so for the time being I don't feel too redundant in the sphere of Toronto women's clothing. Plus I felt like the winter-appropriate leather boots combined with the black latex leggings really gave a
Victoria Beckham in Antonio Berardi feel to the whole look, which couldn't possibly be a bad thing in my mind.

I suppose I just could not help myself - ask anyone, I've always been a magpie and thus attracted to shiny things - but I did, of course, cover up with my similarly shiny black pleather Guess coat, which I believe was purchased all the way back when I was in the ninth grade. My fashion immaturity at that young age aside, I still like the coat and find it useful - for example, I feel as though it added a weird, I'm-a-futuristic-goth-who-also-likes-floral-prints vibe to today's ensemble which, I'm not going to deny, thoroughly pleases me.

Anyways, I'm off for a [hopefully] more relaxing weekend than the last which was, as previously stated, spent generally rushing about town...filming, concert-going, brunching, depleting my bank account at the Bloor Street Holt Renfrew and, in general, being awesome-but-exhausting. Remember that some work performed on the site yesterday did, unfortunately, result in the loss of all of you lovely bloggers on our blog roll, and therefore if you would like to be added or re-added, please leave a comment or give us a shout at modernguiltblog@me.com and we will be more than happy to oblige!

Best wishes for the most respectively fabulous weekends ever to each and every one of you, and of course catch up with us on Monday morning to see how I managed to spend all of my money Friday through Sunday once again!
WearingFranco Sarto boots...a gift from the wonderful G, naturally.
Guess coat, which would probably be more accurately referred to as plastic rather than pleather, but who's counting?
Vintage floral dress, found at one of the many Toronto thrift shops I frequent...
Urban Outfitters leggings.