In continuing with this week's theme...surprise, surpise, I yet again wore predominantly black yesterday! I've decided that I'm going to allow myself to finish out the week on this note, but force myself into entirely switching it up and not wearing anything even remotely black Monday through Friday of next week with the exception of undergarments, hosiery and an accessory here or there. It's undoubtedly a little bit petty to challenge myself to such an endeavour to begin with but really, what else am I going to do to amuse myself?

Fashion is clearly an interest and hobby for me, and just as those who enjoy playing soccer tend to go out and play the sport on occasion, I think up little personal ways to express my interest in fashion, hence the inception of Modern Guilt to begin with. See how I manage to justify and convince myself of things? It's quite a nice skill to have if I do say so myself...

Well then. While I'm not a big television person by any means (truly...I haven't had cable for about a year now), I've found what I believe to be one of the most hilarious British comedies in current existence. It's called 'How Not To Live Your Life', and I admittedly spent the majority of yesterday evening being a couch potato and watching it. The only reason I mention this is because I've noticed that British television personalities tend to dress much better and/or more interestingly than their North American counterparts. Well, obviously there's no 'better' since it really comes down to a matter of personal taste, but I really cannot resist the lovely slim-fit mod suits and perfectly distressed leather bomber jackets and the like.

If it weren't the most expensive place on the planet I would undoubtedly move to London in a heartbeat. Alas, that's just going to have to wait until I figure out how to grow a money tree on my current high-rise balcony.
Skirt: thrifted
Love the picture with you sitting on the books!
ReplyDeleteGreat outfit!!
ReplyDeleteI love how your shirt is tucked perfectly into the high waist skirt. Great jacket too, my dear<3
Thanks for the comment, you're a doll :):) Birthday outfit coming soon* maybe tomorrow, night I have to edit them first.. :) So excited to see the feedback.
you look lovely in black!! but i cant wait what you make next week :)
Love the outfit and especially the pic of you sitting on the books!
ReplyDeleteThat's one great skirt and I love the striped tee!
ReplyDeleteLove all the pics, but have to agree with most that the "sitting on the books" one is a killer image. =)
ReplyDeleteSuch a lovely skirt! Great pic on the books :-)
i really like this outfit. and the photos of you sitting on the books are so cute!
ReplyDeleteNice outfit. I, too, posess that skill of self-convincing. It's how I end up with so many damn shoes.
ReplyDeleteThx for coming by. I'm glad you like! Of course, I feel the exact.same.way about yours. =)
ReplyDeleteOf course you can link me! I've linked you, too!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE CANADA!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteawesome interesting skirt.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see what you come up with in next week's "colour challenge '08"!!!
i feel terrible that i still haven't gotten a package out to you but i have every intention to so so before the end of the week... or at least weekend!
i ALMOST bought that cardi! It looks so good on you!
ReplyDeleteYou also look adorable in the picture you're smiling/grinning.
Those giant books are awesome.
ReplyDeleteIs that like a statue or something?
Great pictures!
You always look so stylish and pretty!
I don't think you have unsightly roots at all! In fact your hair is pretty as.
Very cool!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome style! I love your hair and your all black theme! It looks brilliant on you!
ReplyDeletei love this outfit and i love completely all black outfits.
ReplyDeletei just read in "shop til you drop" a great article on why black is the best color ever! (or shade, thats open to interpretation)
i'm being a total couch potato today too! annnd i'll make a deal with you, whoever grows that money tree first moves us both to london! :)
Love the high waist and the stripped combination :)
ReplyDeletei love these photos, i couldn't help smiling because although you are wearing black here it exudes a very pleasant aura. or is it just the photo quality?i love them!
ReplyDeleteLove the books as chairs!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm not much of a TV-person either!
i love that pix of you on those books. perfect black with a touch of blue!
ReplyDeletebtw, you know you were british in a past life or two...