Thursday, July 17, 2008

Vanishing Point

I've been in Kensington Market more often within the past two days than I have in the past two months and, while I came across no amazing vintage clothing (unsurprising, as I haven't found anything worthwhile there in as long as I can remember at this point), I did have a wonderful time on both accounts. Last night was filled with the best sangria I've ever ingested and fascinating conversation and, in turn, I ended up forgetting that I had even brought along a camera. This afternoon, on the other hand, was spent laughing at asinine neon slotted sunglasses and awful Little House on the Prairie dresses with G and, with him being the camera-happy fellow that he is, many pictures were to be had.

Top: Free People
Shorts: vintage (I never take these off lately, it's getting to the point where an intervention may be in order)
Shoes: Juicy Couture (I love you Yonge & College Winners!!)

P.S. Yes, I changed my shoes. At least I made an effort to not wear the gladiators for about three hours today, so that's an improvement, no?


  1. I keep forgetting about the winners at Yonge and College! I should make a pit stop some time :) looks like you had a good time...p.s. I too, have not found anything at Kensington for the past little while..and I find a lot of it overpriced....Value Villiage still my #1...

  2. The juicy COurture shoes are soooooo cute:)

  3. great cut offs, I can see why you wouldn't want to take them off, they're perfect!
