Friday, August 15, 2008

If Love Is The Drug Then I Want to O.D.

I've decided that I can't wait any longer to delve into my autumn wardrobe and, since the recent weather here has been more than permitting for non-summer gear, the tweeds, plaids and polos are officially making their entrance. I suppose one could say that this outfit is Gossip Girl-inspired but, truth be told, it's not. I've always had a penchant for the hyper-collegiate with a quirky twist look, and I remember actually being a tad jealous of those of my high school friends who were in enrolled in schools which had strict uniform policy...mandated adorable blazers, plaid skirts, knee-high socks and mary janes...yes, please!
I find today's set of photos amusingly ironic in that the shoot took place in an alley next to a gigantic local strip club. As the ladies sauntered near the back entrance smoking in their questionable attire, I sat nearby in what can be described as the preppiest, most clean-cut outfit on the face of the planet whilst reading a book (in case you were wondering, Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster is a great read if you're even remotely interested in high fashion) - it doesn't really get more hilariously dichotomous than that for me!
Since there won't be any updates this weekend I just wanted to take the end bit of this post to thank every single one of you who continues to read, visit and comment on Modern Guilt. Just last night G and I were discussing how wonderfully astonishing and overwhelmingly awesome all of the positivity we've been receiving is, and how it's so inspiring to not only have all of these amazing people reading and looking at what we do, but to also be privy to all of the brilliant things you guys have on your own blogs! I personally feel extremely honoured by all of the support and love you guys give to us - thank you a million times over. Have the fantastic, stylish and fun weekend you all deserve, and see y'all on Monday!

Polo: Ralph Lauren
Skirt: thrifted Gap (it's actually a dress)
Blazer: vintage
Loafers: vintage Gucci
Hairclips: various, from my childhood


  1. First to post again...hope that dosnt make me seem like a creepy stalker...:s..perfect Vintage Gucci's! I found a similar pair at value viliiage,,well actually- correction, not a pair but one shoe..I ransacked the store for about an hour and no luck....great post as usual(Its your quirkiness and writin style that keeps me comin' back) AND I love the pinned back hair..tres cute =) You and G keep up the good work!!

  2. Lovely vintage Guccis! You look very cute and tres chic. Love coming here and thank you for all your nice commnts during my crazy week! Of to another fashion show tonight and have no idea what to wear. Haha, the name of the game. Have a great weekend!!!

  3. I love that jacket. Your style is great!

  4. I love your hair put up that way, its so edgy.

  5. I love your blog, your taste and this look. So awesome as always!

    Have an amazing weekend!


  6. I love your skirt, and i so had the same obssesion before as well for that little school girl outfit, i lived in sweden my whole life where we didnt have uniforms like they have here in england so missed out to!

  7. FAB! I love the photos you take...

  8. i love your hair like this!
    i prefer this brand of preppy to the gossip girl kind any day. theirs just comes off looking too slutty. guess that's the point!
    hilarious that you were by the strip club! ha!

  9. i love the loafers! looking to get me a pair!

    and i was equally jealous of the private school kids in their plaid skirts and blazers!

    have a great weekend!

  10. ok, the loafers are AMAZING!

  11. can't wait for fall to arrive but really hot in california. like your plaid skirt, have to find one for myself too.

  12. yes my room right now is not nice. i like your outfit :) x

  13. Great location, haha. (:
    You look great, but then again, you always do. :)

  14. You are so Gossip Girl chic! Love it!!


  15. I love so many of your stuffs! The blazer & loafers are amazing! You look so good in the first photo! Really love the graffit on the door!

  16. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    you are fantastic!!!

    really nice blog
    fabulous fantastic

  17. This is so cute... and the photography is really good as well. I especially like how you put in the colours together. And vintage gucci loafers? what a find!!!

  18. I really love your jacket, it makes the whole look.

  19. What a great outfit!
    Your hair is so pretty.

  20. S!Your vintage GUCCI is so chic! It doesn't look vintage at all. And I love your blazer. Gurl, you know how to combine stuff, e? Powerful. Powerful outfit. Certified headturner!

  21. Great loafers :) so cute on you, this look.

  22. so so so so cute!1
