Wednesday, August 20, 2008

13 O'Clock

Yesterday evening was not quite as eventful as the one prior to it, but it was nonetheless enjoyable in a really subdued, laid-back way. G and I made some dinner, did some laundry, organized finances and did all of that other stuff which unfortunately has a tendency towards reminding you that you are not even close to being a child anymore and that you are, for all intensive purposes, a proper adult.
I certainly don't feel like an adult most of the time, but I suppose that it is reasonably comforting to know that I am and that it's really not as bad as I thought it might be. I feel as though I'm really coming to understand the whole 'you're only as old as you feel' adage on some intrinsic the same time, I'm considering purchasing this Lancome nonsense because I'm pretty sure I'll have a change of heart about the whole matter at the onset of my first fine line.
At a certain point last night I grew a bit tired of the grown-up activities and responsibilities and as such cajoled G into coming to the park with me to sit on the expansive grass lawn, drink iced teas and basically do nothing but enjoy sitting and drinking iced teas. It's not as though we have year-round summer here, so why stay in the apartment and let any moment of the nice weather pass us by, right? Mind you I didn't even notice that the pattern of the dress I donned nearly blended in with the actual scenery until we sat down and G started to click away. Silliness on my part ensued, as per the photograph above. Here's to hoping that all of you are having as nice of a week as we are!

Dress: H&M
Belt: vintage
Shoes: Nine West
Bag: vintage


  1. i add you too, i love ur blog and style :)

  2. aaaw! im forever qishing to be a bit older, just cos im at that age where im still too young for my parents to let me have complete freedom, but not young enough to for them to let things i do go like when i was really young!

  3. i love how you paired the belt with that dress!! beautiful!

  4. I almost almost forgot to check out my fave blog today but not quite :P...that belt is scorchin' hawt ..<3 it...and on a side note, I always fid I take rediculous amounts of time to make simple meals :s...hopefully you are more efficient or else the day passes you by :s..which is why takeout is so great every once in a took me almost two hours to make lemon chicken and potato salad....haha..have a great day <3

  5. you are ridiculously pretty!
    so awesome, love the dresss


  6. Dare I say... BEST. COMPLIMENT. EVER? (Better than R. Bils?) Thank you, ahhh! I love her, so yeah, it means a lot, a lot!!

    An you my dear, stunning as usual. Great dress (love that print!) and your hair, ever so pretty!! :)

  7. I hear you, adulthood sucks.

  8. you're a doll!
    THANK U! ♥ we should drink tea together, sometime (: that would be nice.

  9. You look very 1970's hot bohemian. How is it that you find time to go out almost every night??!!!

  10. i think we are all too aware of our adult responsibilities. we should work hard but really play hard too! that is what makes life full and savvy.

  11. I'm in love with your dress! And you always look adorable!


  12. I love the bag and the belt!

    And I know what you mean about being a grown-up. Independence is cool until the bills roll in.

  13. i love your pictures and you are just amazingly pretty i must say!

  14. the colors are beautiful ...My parents still treat me like a baby ( maybe that's because I am an only child) but you know what, I don't mind it ... There's still plenty of time to grow up, I am only 20...P.S. my mommy uses that Lancome cream and she like it... I'm pretty sure that it is a wrinkle cream and my dermatologist always tells me that I should not use it until 30...I have a paranoia with getting wrinkles and age spots ( ugh)...

    and I added you to my fav. blogs :)

  15. Hooray for being only 12 years old. :)

  16. I have to say this, even though you are one of the most beautiful creatures ever:

    "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

