Thursday, November 27, 2008
Updates and such...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Patterned purple tights and a black dress at night

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
DIY Bleached and Destroyed Jeans + Keith Richards' face on a t-shirt

Monday, November 24, 2008
Wearing grey on the weekend...

Friday, November 21, 2008
A vintage fur coat (a.k.a. the warmest thing I own), and the boots that I promised myself I would never wear...
This photo set is real-life as opposed to fashion in the sense that what I am wearing has far more to do with practicality than anything else. As you can see, many of the streets here in Toronto are currently sheeted in ice, making creative footwear choices next to impossible unless I'm taking a cab to somewhere indoors or, similarly, carry my 'good shoes' in my bag until I reach my indoor destination; this brings me to my justification of the Ugg monstrosities currently residing on my feet - they're warm, I don't slip and fall in them and the fact that I dislike them on an aesthetic level results in me not getting upset when they're damaged by various outdoor elements. And I walk basically everywhere I go, so these are all entirely necessary qualities in a shoe for me. So before ya'll go and judge me for wearing them, please take a moment to think about my struggle.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
My favourite party dress and Givenchy-inspired layered necklaces

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The vintage 70's maxi dress finally finds its way out of my closet...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
No new tale to from head to toe with my new wedge platforms

P.S. I somehow ended up on HERE, the Web Fashion Awards, which is undoubtedly one of the cooler things that's ever happened to me as a blogger. Check it out...oh yeah, and vote for me if you so please :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Due to a few small technical difficulties we're currently photo-less, but that should be fixed by a bit later in the day.
In the meantime I just wanted to...
a) let you all know that I'm alive, and
b) wish everyone a very happy Monday!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Better off as the fool...than the owner of that kind of heart.

2. Yahoo Answers. Whenever I need a pick-me-up I look up something random on Yahoo Answers and am immediately inundated by hilarious/misguided/ignorant/offensive/etc. answers given to questions (n.b. I also found out that sponging a 3 part water + 1 part vinegar mixture onto salt-stained suede shoes will make them look as though they are brand new again, so occasionally I learn something useful there as's almost always by accident though).

4. Keith Richards' guitar solo in the most epic rock n'roll song of all time - Gimme Shelter. If this song doesn't make you feel like walking into a really cool and sexy dive bar while being cool and sexy and dancing and then getting into a fist fight or something...well, I don't know, but I DO know that I just don't get the way your brain works.

6. [I'll preface this one with stating that it doesn't really qualify within the bounds of this tag, as it's not unimportant at nonetheless makes me very, very happy, so I've made the executive decision to include it anyways] Every single time my iPhone beeps and it's a new comment from one of you amazing, amazing people out there in internetland. In all seriousness, no matter how awful of a day I'm having it, all of you with your kind, astonishingly lovely words something which I can guarantee to always immediately brighten my mood! So thank you to each and every one of you.

I tag the following gorgeous people (who, as far as I know, have not yet completed this tag):
Chauss of Je Ne Sais Quoi
Jacquie of Jacquieshambles
Fashion Pariah
Ashleigh of Rantings of a Fashion Addict
The wool figure skating sweater is yet another item from my closet which was hand knit by my evil grandmother. I'm aware that the purple and orange colour scheme and completely obvious pattern of it are ever-so-slightly garish, but I nonetheless cannot help but love this sweater. As cliche as it sounds (and IS), this sweater reminds me of a much simpler time when life wasn't messy and complicated and fragile and dependent on anything more than whether or not I landed the majority of my jumps on the rink that day (and apparently I'm feeling grossly sentimentalist today, so try to ignore this diatribe of mine if you may?)
My new favourite jeans. Dark wash denim, wide-legged, J Brand - does it really get any better than this?
Shoes are an old vintage find. They're mega-platforms, so they tend to be the obvious choice with any pants which I haven't bothered to have hemmed yet.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bohemian Lumberjack? The plaid and fur, more plaid and fur, etc.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Utilitarian Chic: breaking up the monochrome with pink tights and a cozy hat

Friday, November 7, 2008
Sky-High Shoes and Straight-Legged Jeans

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Peacoat and Jeans: sometimes simple just feels right.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Bell bottoms and a cloche hat on a rainy day

Monday, November 3, 2008
Tartan tights, a wool hat and an oxford shirt on a lovely November day

From the top down...
The white wool beanie was handmade.
My striped, button-down oxford shirt was a $7 Chinatown find, and has that slouchy menswear-inspired fit that I love so much.
The black pleated miniskirt is Billabong. Yes, you heard me correctly, I said this any more acceptable if I bought it at a Goodwill? No? Didn't think so. Okay, whatever, I still like it.
The Harlequin patterened knee high socks are yet another 'personal vintage' piece. I've no idea when or where they entered the depths of my closet, but I do know that I have had them forever.
My Gucci horsebit loafers are vintage.